Kaleb Chapple
National President Youth Group
Greetings and welcome to the Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Youth website!

Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is very unique, as it is one of few family oriented sororities in the world. With that, the national youth acknowledge the prestige and opportunity that accompanies our membership. In this day and age, civic responsibility and community involvement is not on the forefront of youth activity in our generation. We spend time playing video games or engaging in undesirable activities instead of making use of our energy and young lives. But, that’s where Eta Phi Beta youth step in. Our youth are extraordinary, because we are aware of the impact we have on our communities now and in the future. Thus, we as young leaders, bound by common motive to serve, take the initiative to do something better than ourselves. As we strive to increase community activism and presence nationwide, I encourage you to see what we are already doing, and how you or your youth can become involved. It is my belief that all youth from the ages of 6-11 (Eta Kids), girls 12-18 (Bee-Ettes) and boys 12-18 (Senords) have great potential within them. Contact your local chapter for more information.
Thank you for visiting our website!
Kaleb Chapple
2022-2024 National Youth President
Eta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, National Youth Group